I began blogging in August of 2007 when we first felt called to go overseas. Since training in Virginia and coming to Brazil in November, I've stopped . . . but am beginning again today. A friend of mine has just begun blogging, and it helped me realize how important a communication piece it is.
A QUICK UPDATE: We've been in language school for almost 3 months now. We've learned a lot of Portuguese, with much more to learn. All four children attend the same private school. But best of all, God is faithful, His Word is essential and our purpose here is clear.
A QUICK APOLOGY: to those who were faithful readers of my blog and were anticipating keeping connected through it after our going abroad. Sorry for the lapse in time . . . I'm back!
A QUICK VERSE: But you are a chose race, A royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, SO THAT you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; (1Pe 2:9)
and (just for fun) A PORTUGUESE LEARNING DUCK: