Robert and I were gone all last week in VA attending a conference. At the conference there were no televisions, computer hookups were not what we needed and time was just better spent doing other things. We didn't even get any news. Robert had arranged for my dad to come and teach this morning, knowing that he would have no time to prepare.
Then came Sunday morning surprise. My mom called close to 9:00 a.m. (actually close to 10:00 a.m.) and asked, what time do you have? I told her it was almost 9:00 and she asked, "Isn't this time-change Sunday?" I told her a confident "I don't think so." And she said, "Well we're on our way."
A few minutes later my brain did a second take and I asked the question to my husband, "is this time-change Sunday?". His response was the same as mine . . . an "I don't think so" followed by "we'd better check and see."
And lo and behold it was the 2nd Sunday of March!
So the pastor (Robert) and family (me and the kids) as well as the guest speaker (my dad) and wife (my mom) walked in LATE into a room full of people who were singing praise songs. Not the typical stressful situation it would be for many others . . . our church is a strong fellowship of believers who are really more family than anything else. But what it turned out to be was just darn FUNNY!
It's little things like this that keep life fun!!!
The IMB Candidate Conference was amazing. We did research on the people group of southern Brazil that we will be sharing Christ with. The library and librarians were very prepared for us and very helpful. There are two libraries - one at the Learning Center and one at the IMB headquarters. They were both pretty amazing.
We did a lot of exercises and interviews in truly exploring and analyzing our individual calls to overseas ministry and looking at the motivations behind a desire to go. We also learned much of the inner-workings of the IMB including care, support, enabling and equipping of personnel. We met many other couples from all over who, like us, have been called to share Christ somewhere on the globe. It is exciting to see God burdening hearts to share the gospel all over the world. And there is need for so many more. There are a multitude of people groups who have yet to hear that there is a God and He loves THEM!
so much more to share . . . . . . . but for another time. It was a phenomenal experience, but at the same time, it's so good to be home!
The coming home part was great! My mom watched the kids all week and our children had a wonderful time with her, and she with them. She's exhausted after 5 days with 4 children.
Samuel (my 21 month old) was sitting up in his crib, wide awake, when I checked on him last night (about midnight). He kept looking to make sure it was me and then just giggled and giggled. I brought him downstairs, laid on our bed and he just rubbed my face and hair with with his face over an over again, giggling the whole time. It was precious.
The other three (who understood why mom and dad were away) awakened to huge mommy & daddy hugs this morning. It's been a wonderful reunion.
I wasn't able to blog while we were away . . . couldn't find the time or the good connection. I plan to blog more about our week, finish my series on pride and about the boy who just turned 6 as soon as I get my bearings!
See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. I John 3:1-3