It's been an interesting time of sharing our news of God's calling to full-time mission work with family members. We have had responses ranging from complete excitement and encouragement, to questions asked from a premise of 'you must be crazy', to just sadness at the thought of our going so far away (and most are a mix of all three of these). A wonderful part of it is that all responses have been loving and genuine, and have caused us to think definitively and be so certain of God's calling.
Robert is going to be addressing a lot of concerns about the IMB (International Missions Board) in a series of blogs that he is hoping to begin today.
We've submitted our application and are waiting to hear back from an IMB consultant. We'll be contacted by email first (within the next 3 days) and then by telephone within the next 7-10 days. We'll keep you posted.
Robert and I are praying together daily. Our hearts are united in this endeavor and our souls are exuberant.
In the mean time, the kids and I are fidgety for school to start. It is going to be a great homeschool year for us. Summer has been wonderful, with camping trips and high adventures of trails and climbing and lakes and exploring. But we're to the end of our summer activities and are restless for school. The hold up is curriculum. As soon as we have it . . . we'll be on our way!
I guess it would be correct to say that Robert and I are a little fidgety as well. On the one hand, we know God's calling and we want what He is going to accomplish through us to start yesterday. On the other hand, we want to make the most of every opportunity and relationship while we are still here . . . in our church, and in our time with family and friends. And training time . . . I'm sure there is much to learn! And then there is much battening down of hatches so to speak . . . eliminating debt, Robert's degree (of which he only has to complete one more class to graduate!!!), the completing of the work on our house and then the selling of our house, and the selling of a vehicle, the selling of other things such as power tools, etc., etc., etc. By the way, anyone interested in adopting a couple of dogs?!!!!!
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