21 January 2008

Going Public

Today I have opened my blog to public access rather than invitation only.

This really is more of an experiment . . . making my blog more user-friendly to those who have had trouble accessing it. (The disclaimer is that I may shut it back down to invitation only if I decide I'm uncomfortable with sharing so much with those I don't know!)

I began blogging on August 10th of 2007 . . . the day that God revealed His will for us to serve Him in the capacity of long-term missionaries with the International Mission Board.

The purpose of my blogging is to share with others our journey from here to there, and to share other, more personal things as well . . . our family, my thoughts on varying topics, scripture, struggles, prayer requests, other blogs of interest that I come across and occasionally some things I find to just be funny.

You and your comments are quite welcome here, and I'm honored by your visiting and perusing around.

For those of you who have been reading for some time, you can now load the RSS feed and have a handier pull down menu of posts in your tool bar rather than having to load my entire page to see if there's anything new.


Vicky said...

Just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us to witness your journey with JESUS from here to there. Can't wait to see what HE is going to do in and through y'all as you continue this fantastic adventure in trusting HIM.
Have a great day!
Because of JESUS-
Vicky, Jacksonville, FL

Kerri said...

Thanks Vicky!